Sunday 15 November 2015

Fieracavalli Verona with my horses and family

"Horses and people. Together we make a family!"

Dear horse lovers, last weekend I was at Fieracavalli Verona with all my family... and horses of courseI could not be more happy and excited!

We joined the Italian Breeders Association (AIA) with our Knabstrupper horses, a breed of Danish origin, competitive in highly athletic sports such as jumping and dressage and better known by the children as the horse of Pippi Longstocking :-)

The weather was amazing and there were so many breeds, from the Maremmano and the Murgese to the tiny Pony of Esperia. But no matter the breed, I can't deny all horses were beautiful! 

Here's some pic and the video of the exhibitions where you can see my sister and brother performing with our Knabstruppers at the minute 1:12.

My little brother and my baby boy on Gwydion, our 5 years old mare.

Trying to kiss Gwydion :-)

My mum

My little sister and Minerva, a mare of 9 years old and mum of Gwydion.

The natural affinity between people and horses was the main theme of Fieracavalli 2015. In the video the voice of some participant:

See you next year, the 3 - 6 November 2016 ;-)

I was wearing:
Handmade Italian sunglasses by CapaldoOttica and the equestrian silk scarf by Picci 
My baby was wearing the all outfit by Minibritches 


  1. Ciao che bel cavallo veramente complimenti! Io li adoro, e adoro anche i pony. Ne ho ben tre nel mio agriturismo: Alba, Megghi e Arturo. Se ti va di vederli ho pubblicato le foto nel mio sito internet nella sezione "gallery". I bambini amano giocare con loro e anche i pony si divertono a correre dietro ai bimbi. Cosa c'è di meglio?!? Fammi sapere cosa ne pensi! Ciao :D


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