Sunday, 11 May 2014

Mum Love

“No language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism of a mother's love” by Edwin H. Chapin

Today I want to celebrate the Mother’s Day with a series of pictures of my Haflinger horse Frieda and its new foal! the baby horse was always standing still long enough for the photo shooting :-)

The chance to live their very first moments of life together was priceless! I could enjoy that special bond of a mum with her children.... I am so happy :-)

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, to all mums! humans and horses :-)

1 comment:

  1. Una giumenta che si fa avvicinare in un momento così delicato. Che emozione meravigliosa!
    Il cavallo lo sente che non sei un pericolo, che animale spettacolare!


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