Sunday, 8 May 2016

Happy Mother’s Day

Best wishes to all horse lover moms in the world.
Auguri a tutte le mamme amanti dei cavalli nel mondo.

A special thanks to my mom, her love and care for family and horses is inspiring. I am proud to be the daughter of a great horse woman and happy to have being blessed to become a mom myself.

Un grazie speciale alla mia mamma, il suo amore e la cura per la famiglia e i cavalli sono dispirazione. Sono orgogliosa di essere la figlia di una grande donna di cavalli e felice di aver avuto la fortuna di diventare mamma a mia volta.

Happy Mother’s Day!
Buona festa della mamma!

1 comment:

  1. Really a nice post on mother’s day! Thanks a lot for sharing it here. We attended a mother’s day special event at a local venue Houston TX to celebrate this day. Really had a great time with my mom and sisters in the party.


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