Sunday, 25 September 2016

Extraordinary strength and results at the Rio Paralympics 2016

“Beyond limits and barriers, sport is a great life coach”
“Oltre i limiti e le barriere, lo sport è un grandioso maestro di vita”

Rixt van der Horst NED Bronze medalist - Rio 2016 Paralympic Games
Photo Liz Gregg

Sport enables people to overcome limits. And extraordinary Paralimpics athletes, perfectly in tune at these Games, further shown how much is important, in sport as in life, to face situations and new challenges with vigor, determination and smile. These athletes went beyond limits and barriers that society imposes, head-on, keeping their national pride!

Lo sport consente alle persone di superare i propri limiti. E gli straordinari atleti Paralimpici, all’altezza di questi Giochi, hanno dimostrato ancora una volta quanto sia importante, nello sport come nella vita, affrontare le situazioni e le nuove sfide con forza, determinazione e il sorriso sulle labbra. Questi atleti sono andati oltre i limiti e le barriere che la società impone, a testa alta, tenendo alto l’orgoglio nazionale!

Michele George BEL - Rio 2016 Paralympic Games
FEI credits

The equestrian sports of this 15th edition of the Paralympic Games were ruled mostly exclusively by Europeans, with 31 of the 33 medals won by eight different Countries of the Old Continent and the other two medals (both bronze medals) won by Brazil, the host Country of the Games.

Very good results for the English athletes with three gold medals. Hard work and good placements also for Italy, although none of the Azzurri gained the finals of Para-Equestrian Dressage, with great disappointment of the world champion Sara Morganti, who couldn’t take part at the Ranking 1a races because her horse, Royal Delight, failed the veterinary visits. Silvia Veratti riding Zadok was our best, 68% for an 8th placement in the Team Test - Grade II, following Francesca Salvadè riding Muggel 4 ended 10th with 67.343, and finally, 15th place for the third Italian in competition in Rio, Luigi Ferdinando Acerbi riding Quasimodo di San Patrignano with a score of 67.826 in the Individual Test - Grade 1a. In the team race, due to the forfeiture of Sara Morganti, Italy was classified 11th with a score of 411,669, because they couldn’t eliminate her worst score.

“I would like to thank my family, my friend and my team for coming with me in Rio, for trusting me - said Sara Morganti - for their support and their standing. You are my strength. I'm so sorry it came out this way. I tried hard, but luck wasn’t on our side”.

Gli sport equestri di questa 15ª edizione dei Giochi Paralimpici hanno parlato quasi esclusivamente europeo, con ben 31 medaglie su 33 conquistate da 8 diversi Paesi partecipanti del Vecchio Continente e le altre due medaglie (bronzo in entrambi i casi) vinte dal Brasile, nazione ospitante dei Giochi.

Molto bene gli atleti inglesi con tre ori. Grande impegno e buoni piazzamenti per la spedizione italiana anche se nessuno degli azzurri è riuscito ad ottenere il pass per le finali del Dressage Para-Equestre, con grande delusione per la campionessa del mondo Sara Morganti, che non ha potuto prendere parte alle gare di grado 1a a causa del mancato ok per la sua cavalla, Royal Delight, durante le visite veterinarie. Silvia Veratti su Zadok è stata la migliore dei nostri, 68% netto per un 8° posto nella prova Grado II, a seguire Francesca Salvadè su Muggel 4 ha chiuso invece decima con 67,343, e infine quindicesimo posto per il terzo italiano in gara a Rio, Luigi Ferdinando Acerbi su Quasimodo di San Patrignano, con il punteggio di 67,826 nell’Individual Test del Grado 1a. Nella gara a squadre, visto il forfait di Sara Morganti, l'Italia si è classificata undicesima con il punteggio di 411,669 non potendo eliminare il suo risultato peggiore.

“Vorrei ringraziare la mia famiglia, gli amici e la mia squadra per avermi accompagnato fin qua, per aver creduto in me - ha dichiarato Sara Morganti - per avermi supportato e sopportato. Siete la mia forza. Mi spiace tanto che sia andata così. Io ce l’ho messa tutta, ma la fortuna non mi ha voluto assistere”.

Sophie Wells GBR and Valerius - Photo Liz Gregg

Sanne Voets NL and Demantur - Photo Liz Gregg

Sanne Voets NL and Demantur - Photo Liz Gregg

The Deodoro Olympic Stadium have pulled down with these medals:

Team Championship 
Gold Great Britain (GBR)
Silver Germany (GER)
Bronze Nederlands (NED)

Individual Championship Test - Grade Ia
Gold Sophie Christiansen (GBR) / Athene Lindebjerg 
Silver Anne Dunham (GBR) / Ltd Lucas Normark
Bronze Sergio Oliva (BRA) / Coco Chanel 

Individual Championship Test - Grade Ib
Gold Pepo Puch (AUT) / Fontainenoir 
Silver Lee Pearson (GBR) / Zion 
Bronze Stinna Kaastrup (DEN) / Smarties 

Individual Championship Test - Grade II 
Gold Natasha Baker (GBR) / Cabral
Silver Demi Vermeulen (NED) / Burberry
Bronze Rixt Van der Horst (NED) / Caraat

Individual Championship Test - Grade III
Gold Ann Cathrin Lubbe (NOR) / Donatello
Silver Susanne Sunesen (DEN) / Que Faire
Bronze Louise Etzner Jakobsson (SWE) / Zernard

Individual Championship Test - Grade IV
Gold Sophie Wells (GBR) / Valerius
Silver Michele George (BEL) / Fbw Rainman 
Bronze Frank Hosmar (NED) / Alphaville

Individual Freestyle Test - Grade Ia
Gold Sophie Christiansen (GBR) / Athene Lindebjerg 
Silver Anne Dunham (GBR) / Ltd Lucas Normark
Bronze Sergio Oliva (BRA) / Coco Chanel

Individual Freestyle Test - Grade Ib
Gold Lee Pearson (GBR) / Zion 
Silver Pepo Puch (AUT) / Fontainenoir
Bronze Stinna Kaastrup (DEN) / Smarties

Individual Freestyle Test - Grade II
Gold Natasha Baker (GBR) / Cabral
Silver Rixt Van der Horst (NED) / Caraat
Bronze Steffen Zeibig (GER) / Feel Good 4

Individual Freestyle Test - Grade III
Gold Sanne Voets (NED) / Demantur 
Silver Ann Cathrin Lubbe (NOR) / Donatello
Bronze Louise Etzner Jakobsson (SWE) / Zernard

Individual Freestyle Test - Grade IV
Gold Michele George (BEL) / Fbw Rainman
Silver Sophie Wells (GBR) / Valerius
Bronze Frank Hosmar (NED) / Alphaville

Il Deodoro Olympic Stadium ha chiuso i battenti con queste medaglie:

Team Championship 
Oro Great Britain (GBR)
Argento Germany (GER)
Bronzo Nederlands (NED)

Individual Championship Test - Grado Ia
Oro Sophie Christiansen (GBR) / Athene Lindebjerg 
Argento Anne Dunham (GBR) / Ltd Lucas Normark
Bronzo Sergio Oliva (BRA) / Coco Chanel 

Individual Championship Test - Grado Ib
Oro Pepo Puch (AUT) / Fontainenoir 
Argento Lee Pearson (GBR) / Zion 
Bronzo Stinna Kaastrup (DEN) / Smarties 

Individual Championship Test - Grado II 
Oro Natasha Baker (GBR) / Cabral
Argento Demi Vermeulen (NED) / Burberry
Bronzo Rixt Van der Horst (NED) / Caraat

Individual Championship Test - Grado III
Oro Ann Cathrin Lubbe (NOR) / Donatello
Argento Susanne Sunesen (DEN) / Que Faire
Bronzo Louise Etzner Jakobsson (SWE) / Zernard

Individual Championship Test - Grado IV
Oro Sophie Wells (GBR) / Valerius
Argento Michele George (BEL) / Fbw Rainman 
Bronzo Frank Hosmar (NED) / Alphaville

Individual Freestyle Test - Grado Ia
Oro Sophie Christiansen (GBR) / Athene Lindebjerg 
Argento Anne Dunham (GBR) / Ltd Lucas Normark
Bronzo Sergio Oliva (BRA) / Coco Chanel

Individual Freestyle Test - Grado Ib
Oro Lee Pearson (GBR) / Zion 
Argento Pepo Puch (AUT) / Fontainenoir
Bronzo Stinna Kaastrup (DEN) / Smarties

Individual Freestyle Test - Grado II
Oro Natasha Baker (GBR) / Cabral
Argento Rixt Van der Horst (NED) / Caraat
Bronzo Steffen Zeibig (GER) / Feel Good 4

Individual Freestyle Test - Grado III
Oro Sanne Voets (NED) / Demantur 
Argento Ann Cathrin Lubbe (NOR) / Donatello
Bronzo Louise Etzner Jakobsson (SWE) / Zernard

Individual Freestyle Test - Grado IV
Oro Michele George (BEL) / Fbw Rainman
Argento Sophie Wells (GBR) / Valerius
Bronzo Frank Hosmar (NED) / Alphaville

Sophie Christiansen (GBR) - Photo Liz Gregg/FEI

Anne Dunham (GBR) and LJT Lucas Normark - Team Test Grade Ia 12 September 2016
FEI Credits

Bronze Medalist Sergio Oliva celebrates with his supporters.
Photo Liz Gregg

Individual Freestyle Grade Ia medal ceremony. Left to right Sophie Christiansen GBR, Sergio Oliva BRA, and Anne Dunham GBR - Rio 2016 Paralympic Games - 16 September 2016

Individual Championship Grade Ib - Paralympics Rio 2016 Grade IB Podium. Left to right silver Lee Pearson GBR, gold Pepo Puch AUT, bronze Stinna Kaastrup DEN

Individual Freestyle Grade II. Left to right silver Rixt van der Horst NED, Gold Natasha Baker, Bronze Steffen Zeibig - Rio 2016 Paralympic Games - 16 September 2016
Photo Jon Stroud/FEI

Individual Championship Test Grade II medal ceremony. Left to right Demi Vermeulen NED, Natasha Baker GBR, and Rixt van der Horst NED - Photo Liz Gregg

Individual Championship Test Grade III medal ceremony. Left to right silver Susanne Sunesen DEN, gold Anne Cathrin Lübbe NOR, bronze Louise Etzner Jakobsson SWE - Photo Liz Gregg/FEI

Individual Championship Test Grade IV Podium

Individual Freestyle Grade IV medal ceremony. Left to right Sophie Wells GBR, Michele George BEL, Frank Hosmar NED - Rio 2016 Paralympic Games - 16 September 2016

Susanne Sunesen DEN Silver Medalist

See you at Tokyo 2020!

Appuntamento a Tokyo 2020!


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