Monday, 27 July 2015

Beyond reality with the horses of Roberto di Jullo

“The most valiant thing you can do as an artist is inspire someone else to be creative” (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)

Happy Monday horse lovers! I am happy to start this week with you sharing the artworks of Roberto di Jullo, an equestrian artist that believing in his own intuition pursued his poetic talent and dedicated his life to art and horses.

I found out his studio by chance in the old Monti district of Rome struck by its beautiful horsey artworks while going to the nearby “Hostaria La Carbonara”, a restaurant that I recommend you! Well, sometimes the best things happen unexpectedly :-)

All of its paintings are inspiring… “its beautiful horses seem to be the symbol of the race of life to freedom” as said by the Italian painter Alberto Sughi talking about Roberto di Jullo.

Roberto di Jullo lives in Rome where he has his studio in Via del Boschetto 141 (Monti district). 
During summer time he moves at Pescocostanzo on the Altipiani Maggiori d’Abruzzo, a region overwhelmingly dominated by pastures where he can observe his beloved horses in freedom. The studio is at “Palazzetto Mosca”, Via della Fontana 7.

He is an art teacher, painter, engraver and designer. He attended the Art Institute of Isernia and set designing courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and Rome. He settled permanently in Rome in 1966, where he expanded his artistic and cultural interests participating in numerous events. 

More of Roberto di Jullo in this video (sorry but it is only in Italian)

If you want to see other artworks you can visit his online gallery


p.s. I can’t thank Roberto di Jullo enough for his gift and the special dedication to Tacchi a Cavallo (both pictured in the cover).

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